Welcome to Gims Care

Gims Care Supported Living Services is a (CQC registered) service for service users aged 16+ for our home at Bishop Stortford and 18 years of age or above for our home in Romford who have their needs of accommodation and support taken care of by the Local Authority or through private means.

Kings Road is a supported living service providing 24-hour care for people age 18 years and above living with autism, mental health conditions and learning difficulties along the road to greater independence. We believe all vulnerable people should receive, appropriate, high-quality care.

Bishop Stortford is a supported living service providing 24-hour care for young people 16+ to 25 years living with autism, mental health conditions and learning difficulties along the road to greater independence.

We believe all vulnerable people should receive, appropriate, high-quality care. Our supported living services enable every individual we help lead a richer fulfilling life. Personalised care is at the heart of our services, ensuring that principles of rights, choice and inclusion are preserved in everything we do.

Personal Care Assistance
We are ready to assist with any personal care needs — bathing, grooming, eating, and more.
Tailored Care Plans
We provide tailored care plans to help assist service users to achieve the best possible outcomes.
Therapeutic Care
Our specialized approach to therapeutic care promotes dignity, safety, and communication.
Independence Training
Independence training to help assist with day to day living and development.

How We Care

Our Philosophy
The staff of Gims Care Supported Living Services will work towards positively developing individual qualities, which will give service users an opportunity for personal growth and development. Our philosophy is that when role models are provided by staff, the messages that can be taken from this. We believe these are vital in helping service users to understand the positive diversity in people. From this, individuals can begin to recognise strengths, interests and characteristics within themselves.
We Understand
At Gims Care, we believe that change is always possible, and we recognise that everyone is an individual and that different approaches and models will be suitable or appropriate for each service user. This may be due to their level of understanding, chronological age or even an approach that captures their imagination, helping them to engage. The staff of Gims Care Supported Living Services are dedicated to providing a service which will work towards positively developing individual qualities and give service users an opportunity for personal growth and development.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to enhance the quality of life of those who come to stay with us and to help avoid social exclusion. We recognise that each person is an individual with unique needs and abilities and are committed to enriching lives and helping others to live theirs to its full potential with a helping hand from our caring staff.

Trusted Care and Support

At Gims Care, we believe that caring is more than just a job– it’s a way of life. That’s why our services mean so much more to the people, families, and organisations they serve. We are proud to provide a range of services to help meet each person's unique needs with a professional staff team who are available 24/7 to provide help and support when it's needed the most.

Team Work

We believe that working in partnership with families, professional organisations, and services is vital in assisting the individuals placed in our care to reach their full potential.

Trusted Care

We are a CQC registered provider who have the experience, knowledge and expertise in assisting those who require day to day, care and support.

Hospitality is our core value

Our supported living services are delivered within warm and friendly environments and are somewhere our service users can take pride in and call home .

Our Front Room
Our Kitchen
Our Dinning Area

Supported Living

Call Center

24/7 Care & Support


Linkside Road Bishops
Stortford CM23 5LR
Kings Road Romford